WordPress has a ridiculously low point of entry, and that may be fine for a single developer or site owner who does everything from the Dashboard and Theme Customizer. But what if you have multiple developers and multiple environments?

WordPress has a ridiculously low point of entry, and that may be fine for a single developer or site owner who does everything from the Dashboard and Theme Customizer. But what if you have multiple developers and multiple environments?
I have been looking for a simple solution to create and manage “dashboard” type charts on a website. Something that would produce editable graphs, accessible content for screen readers, and fit into a responsive design. Chartist.js is a simple and independent library to create SVG charts in the DOM. Various plugins are available to extend […]
The web team of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga uses PHP and RSS to syndicate blog content, news releases, and calendar events into their main website. PHP SimpleXML is used to parse the XML of the RSS feeds. We import a variety of feeds, from WordPress, from Master Calendar, and from other sites such as […]
I’m very excited to help out with Chattanooga’s premier TEDx event: TEDxChattanooga. For this site, I chose a responsive Bootstrap 3 SASS WordPress theme, originally developed for TEDxToronto. I made a few tweaks and improvements to better fit our event, and worked with April Cox from UT Chattanooga to dial in the design and architecture. Developed on […]
Lula Lake Land Trust needed a quick website update to replace a neglected site that had been dormant for years. I chose WordPress with a Bootstrap theme for quick and flexible development, and generated a color palette using the Lavish Bootstrap color scheme generator. This is a great example of a site that can come […]
This was a team project for the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, my alma mater and current employer. I was hired by UTC as web development specialist in late 2012, and worked with a cross-discipline team on the redesign, information architecture, 10,000 page migration to CMS and user training for over 300 web editors. The […]
VacantServer WordPress sites are getting hammered with bad logins and probes. We’ve implemented a plugin to log failed login attempts to syslog, and a Fail2Ban filter for the same. If you run these on RedHat, you’ll need some additional configuration info… here it is: WordPress login failure regex (error_log): ^%(__prefix_line)sAuthentication failure for .* from <HOST>$ […]
Trawire.com offers portable 4G MiFi and iPad rentals for visitors traveling to Iceland. Trawire’s CIO approached me for assistance after his systems administrator bailed and left him with a poorly maintained, self-hosted MacMini server running unoptimized WordPress installs. I migrated the site to Amazon Web Services, where it now can handle traffic spikes and can be […]
I recently upgraded my WordPress theme to WooThemes Canvas 5.x, and I found that some of the icons were not rendering, but were showing a letter or integer instead. I dug into the code and found that these icons are now delivered via @font-face webfonts. Meanwhile, I’m working on a client’s e-commerce site with Google […]
I have been working on a Varnish front-end for Apache, to be used with WordPress sites. I described the architecture in Load Balancing Virtualmin WordPress Hosting Server with Varnish on AWS. I now have a configuration that seems to work for all WordPress features, including logged-out commenting. This configuration also works well with W3 Total […]