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Archive | Amazon Web Services

WordPress Fail2Ban RegEx for RedHat, CentOS, Amazon Linux

VacantServer WordPress sites are getting hammered with bad logins and probes. We’ve implemented a plugin to log failed login attempts to syslog, and a Fail2Ban filter for the same. If you run these on RedHat, you’ll need some additional configuration info… here it is: WordPress login failure regex (error_log): ^%(__prefix_line)sAuthentication failure for .* from <HOST>$ […]

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Fail2Ban Regex for RedHat, Fedora, CentOS and Amazon Linux 2013

Fail2Ban is a very efficient daemon that scans log files for malicious activity, and offers several options to ban offending IPs and hostnames. Although it is highly configurable, it requires a depth of knowledge beyond that required for GUI-accessible firewalls such as ConfigServer Security & Firewall. Harden the Kernel Before do anything further, it is […]

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Trawire website

Portable Wifi Hotspot Rental Site offers portable 4G MiFi and iPad rentals for visitors traveling to Iceland. Trawire’s CIO approached me for assistance after his systems administrator bailed and left him with a poorly maintained, self-hosted MacMini server running unoptimized WordPress installs. I migrated the site to Amazon Web Services, where it now can handle traffic spikes and can be […]

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Varnish VCL and Config for WordPress with W3 Total Cache

I have been working on a Varnish front-end for Apache, to be used with WordPress sites. I described the architecture in Load Balancing Virtualmin WordPress Hosting Server with Varnish on AWS. I now have a configuration that seems to work for all WordPress features, including logged-out commenting. This configuration also works well with W3 Total […]

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