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Tag Archives | w3 total cache


Varnish VCL and Config for WordPress with W3 Total Cache

I have been working on a Varnish front-end for Apache, to be used with WordPress sites. I described the architecture in Load Balancing Virtualmin WordPress Hosting Server with Varnish on AWS. I now have a configuration that seems to work for all WordPress features, including logged-out commenting. This configuration also works well with W3 Total […]

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WordPress with W3 Total Cache on Nginx with APC (Virtualmin)

Virtualmin now includes support for Nginx web server. I deploy many WordPress sites with W3 Total Cache and APC Alternative PHP Cache, so I was very interested to see how Nginx performance compares to Apache for WordPress, and whether APC and W3TC would play nice with Nginx. I prefer to install WordPress in public_html/wordpress for […]

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