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Search results for "apc-config-andern"

APC INFO Monitor

How to Configure APC Cache on Virtual Servers with PHP running under FCGId

…1 apc.shm_size = 12M apc.optimization = apc.num_files_hint = 512 apc.user_entries_hint = 1024 apc.ttl = apc.user_ttl = apc.gc_ttl = 600 apc.cache_by_default = apc.filters = “-/home/username/public_html/apc/apc\.php$” apc.slam_defense = apc.use_request_time = 1 apc.mmap_file_mask… (Search hits: 94 in body, 1 in title, 0 in categories, 4 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 4230.25)

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WordPress with W3 Total Cache on Nginx with APC (Virtualmin)

…apc.optimization = apc.num_files_hint = 256 apc.user_entries_hint = 1024 apc.ttl = apc.user_ttl = apc.gc_ttl = 600 apc.cache_by_default = apc.filters = “-/home/username/public_html/scripts-not-to-cache/.*,-/home/username/public_html/apc/.*” apc.slam_defense = apc.use_request_time = 1 apc.mmap_file_mask = /tmp/apc.XXXXXX apc.file_update_protection =… (Search hits: 43 in body, 1 in title, 0 in categories, 1 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 1954.89)

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Varnish VCL and Config for WordPress with W3 Total Cache

…AWS. I now have a configuration that seems to work for all WordPress features, including logged-out commenting. This configuration also works well with W3 Total Cache. This configuration is for… (Search hits: 1 in body, 1 in title, 0 in categories, 3 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 224.34)

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Install phpMyAdmin with SSL on CentOS, Amazon Linux, RedHat (Apache or NginX)

…256k; fastcgi_temp_file_write_size 256k; fastcgi_intercept_errors on; } location ~* ^/phpMyAdmin/(.+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|png|js|ico|html|xml|txt))$ { root /usr/share/; } } location /phpmyadmin { rewrite ^/* /phpMyAdmin last; } Edit /etc/phpMyAdmin/ The config below shows some common… (Search hits: 5 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 213.66)

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Tuning Apache and MySQL for Best Performance in a Shared Virtual Hosting Environment

…the hardware, software, accounts, network and traffic are identical to a previously configured server… therefore it is impossible to give a configuration which will cover all applications. Firewall Unnecessary Traffic… (Search hits: 4 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 170.92)

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